Jiyo was founded by Poonacha Macchaiah and Deepak Chopra. Jiyo is  a dynamic wellbeing app that acts as your health companion. Jiyo believes in a comprehensive approach to wellbeing, from peace and fitness to  nourishment, meditation and personal growth. We are the head content strategists for Jiyo. We've created app micro-copy, write articles, curate the publishing plan, and set the  tone for all communication at Jiyo. Download the app or visit their website here

How does one bring freshness to a globally recognised figure like Deepak Chopra? In our two year long engagement with JIYO, a new, wellness platform by an established names, we stuck to a core strategy; honest, personal, fact based, easily readable, often humorous blogs that tackle issues of wellness, diet, love, yoga, among many others. Apart from curating blogs from industry wellness leaders, Leela dove in to carve itself a space in the lifestyle blogosphere. In this case, we chose to take a simple path, the sincere one, and sticking to the basics worked for this brand and what they intended to convey.