Rang De

Established in 2006 in India, Rang De has an audacious vision — to make poverty a relic of the past by reaching out to underserved communities through microcredit.

Though the Rang De platform is adopted primarily through word of mouth, it has managed to thrive due to the high quality of work Rang De does.

When Rang De decide to expand the scope of their brand to a wider audience, Leela was roped for brand consulting. We wish them the best of luck as they embark on another brave journey to new frontiers. Check out their ongoing projects here.

An Established Name In A New Avatar, Leela’s Experience With Rang De

Rang De is an interesting force, with an existing, strong organic presence online that had a steady retinue of donors who helped small scale entrepreneurs with small loans. Leela’s job was to update this brand to contemporary times. While Rang De has a lot of goodwill working for it, we wanted to take it a notch up and start with the fundamental questions of their branding. What did Rang De stand for? What made it distinct from microfinance institutions? What made Rang De so trustworthy? Why must new users opt for this service? To get down to the bottom of this, we came up with a brand bible in close consultation with them, fielding questions and holding meetings where we tried to understand what Rang De’s strongest impulse was. As D.H Lawrence said, “Find your strongest impulse and abide by it.”